Sample Validation Letter
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When I write a validation request letter, I ask for anything I can think of. The sample here is one you can follow or add to if you wish. Don't be afraid of asking for whatever you want. Many times they don't even know what is legally required. It's not illegal to ask for more than is needed. If asking for all those things scares them off, so be it!

A good validation letter very often is the only thing you need to keep a collection agency away.

If there is a judgment on the debt and the creditor trying to collect is not the one who obtained the judgment, you can ask for a copy of the judgment and proof that they now own it. If you pay the judgment, you want to know you are paying it to the legal owner and that they have the legal ability to give you a warrant for satisfaction, which is a document you will record in the court as proof that you paid the judgment.

Remember to request this validation within 30 days of the first written notice you receive.

Always send any correspondence certified with return receipt requested.

Click on the following link to see a sample validation letter:

The following links contain ACTUAL validation letters sent at one time or another: Request VEL.doc PF-NRTH.doc





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